We Can Build...

I don't have a whole lot to say this week. There's a lot going on in both the US and in Brazil right now that weighs heavily on my heart. I'm trying to get my long-unpracticed drawing skills in shape by doing the #Inktober challenge on Instagram. Yesterday's prompt was "exhausted," and that's exactly how I feel.

All I can do for now is continue to press into the work before me, one step, one word, one strip of masking tape at a time, to empower students with English language, and to equip teachers with the Maker Movement. And as I do that, I try my best to root out bigotry and hatred, I challenge assumptions (my own included), and I invite students to look beyond their own experiences to the world outside, all while developing their voice to tell their own stories. As I push myself to get back to work, this song comes to mind. I'm a huge Broadway fan, and I absolutely adore this reboot of Godspell. This is not necessarily a show for religious folks, but perhaps rather, for outcasts, blasphemers, and the spiritually homeless. The kind of folks Jesus hung out with.

Let's take a minute to bask in the beauty of Hunter Parrish's voice, and then consider the message. How can we build the city we want to see?

We may not reach the ending
But we can start
Slowly, but truly mending
Brick by brick
Heart by heart 

